Wednesday, 13 April 2005

Ngumpat, backbite, ghibah..


Apa khabar semua eh? In-syaAllah semuanya tengah sehat la. Aku alhamdulilah sehat, cume ade la 2-3 hari asek selsema ngan sakit kepala jek. Tak kesah la. Adelah manfaatnye yang aku tatau tu.

So apa nak cite? Takdek apa. Just teringat nak postkan entry yang kali nih pasal backbite, atau ngumpat la senang cite. Sebab baru baca entry about ngumpat kat blog Asma'. So aku rasa, sebagai tambahan baik gak la aku letak gak entry nih. Moga2 kite semua dapat manfaat dari entry kali ni, dapat kurangkan dan seterusnye hapuskan terus kegemaran mengumpat dan mengata keburukan orang lain, sekaligus dapat elakkan diri kite dari melakukan sesuatu yang lebih besar dari membunuh ni.

Ramai orang yang sebenarnye keliru ngan mende yang dikata ngumpat ni. Ade antara orang yang sebenarnye tengah ngumpat, tapi dia tak sedar. Atau pon pada anggapan dia, dia tak ngumpat pon, "bukan nak ngumpat, just bagitau jek". Atau yang lebih kurang ngan ayat tuh la. So meh sama2 baca tazkirah pasal ngumpat yang di'email' kepada aku then renungkan, selama nih kite dah ngumpat bape ramai orang dalam sehari?..

Guises of Backbiting

Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah said that there are those from the people that backbite or listen to backbiting, and they do so to please the company they keep, with the awareness that the victim is likely to be innocent of some of the things that are uttered about him. Often such offenders feel that if they were to attempt to end such conversation in a gathering, their presence might become unwelcome or burdensome.

There are many methods and guises that are employed when one mentions another in a negative way.

Under the pretence of being informative, one could say that it is not one's habit to mention others, except for the sake of relating another's condition to someone.

Or one could state that by Allah, indeed so-and-so is one to be pitied, thereby showing superiority over one who is to be rejected.

Another method might be to say that so-and-so is a good person; however, he has such and such qualities. Again, one is justified in revealing another's faults.

One could also simply state that we should forget so-and-so, and make supplication for their forgiveness as well as our own, intending only to belittle the one that was mentioned.

In reality, all these tactics are designed to try to deceive Allah (the Exalted) and to please the creation; and in reality, the many that follow these methods only serve to deceive themselves.

"The Many Guises of Backbiting" -

So..dah dapat gambaran ke blom? Harap lepas nih, kalo rasa2 nak cite pasal orang, pikir dulu, kite suke tak kalo orang lain cite pasal keburukan kita? Kalo tak suka, toksah nak ngumpat orang lain plak. KAlo ade apa yang tak puas hati, gi cakap kat dia terus. Tak mampu? Diamkan aje, doa kepada Allah moga diberi kesabaran. Jangan pegi cite kat orang lain sampai menimbulkan rasa benci orang lain yang takdek kene mengena kepada orang yang diumpat. Hanya ade 3 golongan jek yang boleh dikata. Tapi aku tak ingat la plak. Yang aku ingat ialah "Pemerintah yang zalim". Lagi 2 aku tak ingat, minta sapa2 yang ingat, tolong bagitau.

Wallahu a'lam.

Segala salah dan silap harap dimaafkan.


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