Thursday 17 April 2008

Of 218's blog and My Mini City


It's been a while. Hampir sebulan. Well, nak buat camne, dah takde mende sangat nak tulis. Maybe sebab makin kurang membaca, atau kurangnya bahan2 menarik untuk dibaca. Mungkin juga sebab selalu dok dalam rumah, kalo keluar pon tak memerhati keadaan sekeliling like I used to do. Therefore, kurang la bahan untuk ditulis.

Anyway, ahli-ahli rumah aku dah buat blog plak dah. Which is, bagus la tu. Ade le jugak tempat diorang nak bercerita, or at least kalo2 kitorang nak buat open house ke, nak buat announcement ke, senang sket kan. Instead of bagitau dak Dublin sahaja, we can tell the whole cyberworld. Yeah, that's the spirit! :P (and tetibe teringat something. I was once told that blogging is only for 'pondan'. And then suddenly..heh, you get my drift, whoever you are.). Click here for the link, or you can click at the link on this blog sidebar.

And I had just been introduced to MyMiniCity. What is that, you ask? Well, kinda like SimCity, but its online, and your city builds by itself so no worries of the hassle of building a city. Cumanya, bandar akan berkembang kalo ada orang visit your city, that means, visit your page. Since I just started, so baru ade sebuah rumah je la kat tengah2 padang tu. Let's see how it will turn out.

And that is all about it. Exam is in a month time and I am still lagging behind schedule. Kene study but the momentum is continuously decreasing and depleting.


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